EByte Systems is an Information Technology Company focused on delivering quality and valuable professional services to its clients.
EByte Systems aims at passionately growing as the world of Information, Technology and Communication grows; with the motive of providing up-to-date and best services to the clients. We make a strong commitment to our clients, and ensure their success comes before our interest. We are known for our professionalism, responsiveness, friendliness, and knowledge.
We are inclined towards providing a one-stop-shop to our clients for all their ICT needs. We position ourselves in the community as being both flexible and adaptive to the continuously evolving cultures and needs of our clients.
Customisation and optimisation of client databases through industry best practises.
Improve Network Security through firewall and hardening enabling client to have control of network activities within the company.
Server Installation ranging from Windows to Linux Server depending on client needs.
Virtualisation of server to improve ROI of IT Equipments. Virtualisation enables use of single hardware for multiple virtual servers.
IT Audit enables client to identify issues with current setup and we provide advice on best practise improvement and implementation necessary to ensure optimal use of IT services.
We provide user support both on call and remote basis for issues such as tutorial, training, basic installations and other IT related issues.
Installation of VoIP Phones for inter-office communication and better management of phone systems.
Company website design and implementation using latest CRM framework and applications.
Custom Software Development using latest software framework for bespoke software application.